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Purchase our glossary of business terms from Italian to English

With more than 1250 entries of terms used in the field of finance (financial statements), law (notary documents) and all business related terms commonly used in business documents, meeting minutes, general legal documents, sentences, arbitration procedures, etc.

This glossary represents the work of our translators gained over 5 years. Whether you are a new translator or experienced translator entering the field of business and translation of contracts and legal documents, this glossary will help you save a lot of time and money.

Find below a few terms inlcuded in the glossary:

in carica incumbent
in persona as represented by
statuto articles of association, bylaws
libri contabili accounting books and records
libro dei soci shareholders' register
ordine del giorno agenda

The glossary also includes many complex entries such as: associazioni di categoria, cambiali, cause ostative, cauzione provvisoria, crediti in sofferenza, denunce e querele, di pertinenza, emettere atti di costituzione, fatto salvo il diritto di risolvere, giusta procure, impegni di cassa, indipendenza delle clausole, null'altro essendovi da deliberare

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Other terms commontly used:
pertinenze appurtenances
portati a nuovo carried forward
plusvalenza capital gains
polizza globale comprehensive insurance policy
personalità giuridica legal status